martes, 10 de abril de 2018

Part 6 and 7 - KET PRACTICE

Hi class!

Let's practice KET Reading and Writing!


1. Remember that all the words are about the same topic. In this exercise you have the descriptions of some things you find in a kitchen

2. Count letters! Do you have a letter for each space? Check the spelling of the word, maybe you have to write the word in plural/singular form. 


1. First of all think about the word you need: verb? adjective? noun?

2. If it's a verb think carefully the tense: present? past? future? 

3. It's important to know when you have to use a preposition of time! (IN, ON, AT). Here is a picture to help you:

If you have any question you can leave it in the comments. Your partners or me will help you!


miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018

Light energy

Hi class!

Click on the picture below to watch the video about LIGHT ENERGY.
After watching it, answer the questions in your notebook. Remember that you can watch the video as many times as you need!
Have a nice weekend!


1. Light is a form of energy made up of microscopic particles that travel in waves. What's the name of these particles?

2. Is it glass a transparent object? Why?

3. How are called objects through which light cannot pass? and the objects that allow light to pass through them partially?

4. What's the speed of energy?

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018

3 R's: reduce, recycle, reuse

The three Rs protect the environment because they help us use fewer resources.

We have learned how we can be a superhero for the planet, and people and the animals:

The decisions you make and the actions you take can change the world. YOU can save the world!

Our class have reused more than 50 old products, that now, have a new life!
I'm still impressed with your works guys. 👏👏💓